Welcome to Tribe of Trusted Leaders

Inspire. Empower. Thrive.

So you’ve landed a new promotion where you are leading a team.


Even if you have leading teams for a while or you are brand new to leading you are probably wondering:

  • How am I going to have conversations with my former teammates to improve their behaviours?
  • How am I going to turnaround behaviours in a team that have been together for years?
  • Am I doing a good enough job for my team? Will they accept me as their new leader?
  • Are people enjoying their role? What are their capabilities? If they don’t have capability, how can I uplift them?
  • There are so many things to work on - where do I start?
  • How can I ensure the leadership mistakes I've made in the past don't happen again?
  • Can I even do this? Am I even cut out to be a leader?

If you relate to any of the questions above, don’t worry, you’re not alone. 

Tribe of Trusted Leaders is here to help

The Results You'll Get

In the Tribe of Trusted Leaders community, we will show you how to:

  • Increase your confidence, so you're not second-guessing yourself.
  • Improve your communication and ability to inspire others.
  • Enhance your relationship management skills - not only with your team, but also with higher ups.
  • Foster the growth of individuals.
  • Enhance career fulfilment - not only for yourself, but also for your team members.
  • Establish trust with those around you.

Leading a new team is complex  

Leadership requires navigating diverse personalities, motivations and outdated work practices.

Whether you find yourself promoted within your existing team or entrusted with leading a new team in a different company, changing negative behaviours and uplifting capabilities may seem like a daunting task. 

Turning to existing leaders in your company or reading LinkedIn articles may not always provide the answers you seek or even align with your leadership ideals. Going with your gut can also lead you astray, if you aren't really clear on what you are doing. You can waste a lot of time trying to work out the best steps forward.

But in a community?  Everything becomes easier. It’s where you’ll find the support, confidence and understanding that you need to overcome tricky challenges and reduce overwhelm. 

Community is where the magic happens.

Hi! My name’s Marie-Claire. I’m the founder of the Tribe of Trusted Leaders and author of the book, Trusted to Thrive: How leaders create connected and accountable teams.

As someone who has led teams from the age of 19 and run my own businesses for over twenty years, my leadership journey has been pretty bumpy. And lonely.

I was always left to my own devices to figure out how to lead my team.

At 19, I was asked to lead a team of 10 people. Everyone was older than me. I felt unworthy and unsure. My fears got the best of me and I resigned from the position. During that time, I had no-one to mentor or support me.  I didn’t receive any leadership training or words of encouragement that I could even lead a team of people double my age. 

It wasn’t until I was leading my own business, that leadership was thrust upon me again. I couldn’t run away this time. I quickly learnt that if I was going to encourage my employees to turn up to work and do a good job, I had to lead with kindness, trust people to do the right thing and accept people for their differences. 

It wasn't easy for me. I even fainted the first time I fired an employee!

I became obsessed with leadership and learnt everything I could. I started writing about it and even training other leaders. Fifteen years later, I am committed to helping new leaders get over their fears, feel confident in their leadership abilities and have solutions that inspire their people.

There is something really powerful about community and shared experiences

It is hard to change on our own.  Transformation occurs in groups.  Change seems more achievable when we can see change reflected in others.

What would be possible for you if you were surrounded by leaders also navigating and learning how to lead a new team?

Imagine the possibilities that would be available to you - increased knowledge, new leadership tools, being able to accelerate your results and better job fulfilment! 

The good new is that you don't have to imagine what it would be like. It exists.

The Tribe of Trusted Leaders has been created for leaders like you. I created it because I want up-and-coming leaders to embed themselves in a supportive group that gives them the encouragement and advice in a way that I never had.

When you join Tribe of Trusted Leaders today, you’ll get full access to:

  • Monthly learning circles where we have an interactive discussion about a topic relevant to leading a new team.

  • Biannual leadership challenges (like the 7-day Achievement Zone Team Challenge, but for longer).

  • Weekly actionable tips.

  • Weekly reflections and check-ins.

  • Templates and tip sheets.

  • Community to share ideas, successes and problem solve.

When You Join Today

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